Wednesday, May 6, 2009

To Set The Record Straight!

Most of you have heard my “Britney Drama” on , but let me tell you my side of the story. FIRST I love Regina, Janice, and most of the bloggers. I told Regina my story and she made a funny post about it. Helping me get a ticket. Then another Blogger, not to say names but rhymes with DWITE blew it out of context and over dramatized it.

  I met this amazing guy named Tye from Canada. We hit it off really well.. On faceboook. Never met in person but flirted on online. He poked me a few times. He was really cute. We cammed a few times. With and without being clothed. He was very adimit about buying me a ticket to come see him in Canada. I told him I would help with the ticket. But no. He wanted to fly me out there and pay for my Britney ticket and take me! Told me it would be the best week ever! So I arranged it with work. Made sure I had it off. Moved Clients around. Everything. Then about three weeks before the trip he tells me that he “quit” his job at the bank and now only has one income and not sure if he will be able to buy me a ticket, BUT I am going to do everything I can so you can come. I offered to pay for my ticket and he aid no. He wanted it to be his treat… So I trusted him. Then a few days before I was going to be flyig out, same thing. Told me to expect the worse, but he is still trying everything he can. So never really gave me a straight answer. Unfortunitly my lap top got a nasty virus… (oops) Took them a week and a half to fix it. So we didn’t get to cam and talk as much. I made a few harmless facebook blogs about the things going on. He then tells me that my true colors shine when he wasn’t looking and that this is what happens when I lose touch with him. He invited someone else to the Britney concert. He deleted me as a friend on FB. Lets talk about that for a second! I eex! But have you met my ex… EXACTLY.

So there was this other cock that invited me to the Concert in SLC. So I said ya I will go with you! We kept in touch. I kept flirting a little to keep him interested. Then 1 day before the concert he tells me that he gave his ticket to his friends “girlfriend!” I was sooo fucking pissed! I mean I did things that I didn’t want to do so I could go. I pack my car and head back down to Utah in hopes of getting a ticket. That is where comes in. Regina posted this funny girls desperate post. Ment lightly, but needed a ticket. After texting the damn radio station ALL DAY, still without a ticket. So I look online and by my luck they had some! So go to book 2 for my friend and I and RIGHT when I click on the pay button, BAM! All sold out! Screw me in the ear. So me and Brian venture down the JAM to get a few beers, then went to the box office to see what they had! NOTHING! She was sold out! As for those other boys on saying I need to buy my own ticket and stop mooching off of others, first I say fuck you! You know damn straight that if a guy wanted to spoil you and buy you things you would take it in a heart beat. Second, I tried.


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