I have a friend that lives in FL and back in November he and I were talking about me moving to FL after Christmas. And after really thinking about it, it seemed liked the best thing to do. As time went on, I went to LA for a week in December and realized that LA is where I need to be! I have a great Salon that I am excited to work for, Met some great friends, and reconnected with an old one! Michael, my ex, and I finally got onto the same page! And now I feel that our friendship with be closer than ever! We are for sure meant to be friends, not Boyfriends. But that is another topic for another time.
So I called my friend in FL to talk things through because I was still on the fence about moving. He practically talked me into move to FL. And the it! I was excited about it! He was going to let me stay with him and thing were going to be great!!!! Or so I thought! like literally 12 hours after talking to him about the move to FL he tells me,"Kellen It just doesn't make sense for me to take on a roommate or have an extra person in my bed when I can afford it on my own. I don't think that I will need to you to move FL. I am making enough money for rent and I wont need your help!" Umm. OK.. So I guess I was just an extra income to help with rent, and now that he is making enough money he doesn't need my help. I understand that he wants his own place, I get that! But you see the issue is that, I feel he didn't want me to move to FL as a friend, he was wanting me to move to help him with rent! I mean if Richard or anther close friend wanted to move where I was I would for sure let them stay with me until they got their own place! Even if I was making enough money! That whole conversation made me realize things! In the long run I am very glad it happen!
So I am I a happy little boy and getting so excited about my move. I will prove to you all that I am actually moving!